Friday, January 31, 2020

Chemistry of antiscalants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chemistry of antiscalants - Essay Example Conversely, Phosphonates, polyphosphates and polycarboxylates react with minimal quantities (Singh et. al., 2008). Threshold inhibitors are the name that refers to the chemical agents that inhibit scale and work at quantities below the stoichiometric level. These inhibitors foil the whole process of precipitation. Various mechanisms take place when interfering with the process of precipitation. The first manner is the modifying of the crystals into shapes that make it impossible for attachment with other crystals. Secondly, the inhibitors attack the forces that bind the particles into precipitation to break the bond necessary for the precipitation. The third mechanism is through impeding the growth of the particles to bring a non-precipitation zone. Despite the effectiveness of the antiscalants, other indispensable factors determine the whole process. These factors comprise of presence of other ions in the solution, the temperature, the PH and the ratio of super saturation. Moreover, the heaviness of a polymer matters a lot when the antiscalant is polymer (Singh et. al., 2008). CACO3 crystallization is a process that is intricate and requires great understanding to know the reaction that takes place with the antiscalant. The various mechanisms with which the antiscalant inhibits the precipitation are under one method of â€Å"charges attraction†. The antiscalant is always negatively charged and it gets attracted to the area with the crystals, which is positively charged. The definition of threshold inhibition is assumed from this description. Threshold inhibition thus refers to the fusing of the particles of the inhibitor to the crystal-filled arena that is rich with ions. The surface of the crystallization zone tends to be loose and hence creates a space for absorption of the inhibitor’s particles. Once the inhibitors have penetrated to the inside of the crystals, the formation of crystals is in interference. It delays the beginning of crystalliz ation since the walls that would bind the crystals are filled with the inhibitors particles. The first crystals cannot be detected since the inhibitors particles impose a derailment between the period of super saturation state and crystallization (Singh et. al., 2008). Consequently, the crystals form but the inhibitors attack to tamper the growth sites. It thus obstructs the normal reaction that would have to happen. The inhibitors modify and alter the growth of the crystals. Results from the modification of the crystals, is retarded crystals that do not have the strength to stick on metal materials. These crystals are then electrostatic charged and thus posses repulsion with particles with the same side charges. It makes the crystals not to converge and clot (Singh et. al., 2008). There is a common fact that phosphonates are better threshold inhibitors than polycarboxylates. Contrarily, polycarboxylates are better dispersants than phosphonates. Both chemical agents show their react ion when in a solution in inhibiting scale threshold. In a condition where the level of super saturation is low, the phosphonates can be the ultimate solution. Conversely, where the level of super saturation is high, polycarboxylates can salvage the reaction (Singh et. al., 2008). Polycarboxylates have properties that can help in dispersing of particles that are useful in a condition of high super saturation. It is a

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Significant Images in the Grimms’ Version of Rapunzel” Essay example --

Significant Images in the Grimms’ Version of â€Å"Rapunzel† â€Å"†¦the witch took her to the middle of the forest and shut her up in a tower that had neither stairs nor door, but only a little window at the very top.† (p. 74) A feeling of suspense is instilled just by reading this single line in â€Å"Rapunzel† by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Elements evoking emotion in a story, such as suspense, increase the degree of entertainment thereby enhancing quality and enjoyment factors. This story is both superficially entertaining and subconsciously intriguing. Exploring the symbolism of images such as the tower, the open window at the top of it and Rapunzel’s long hair will begin to satisfy this curiosity. The image of a tall solid structure is introduced quite early in the story and repeated in two different forms. The first occurs at the beginning of the story in the form of a â€Å"high wall around the garden† (p.73), and the second, of course, as the tower which is home to the 12 year old Rapunzel. It is worth mentioning that the idea of a tower and window at the top are not unique to this story. In fact, they can be traced back to Greek Mythology and the story of Perseus. The excerpt â€Å"†¦he locked Danae in a bronze tower so that she would never marry or have children. The tower had no doors, but it had one very small window. Danae was very sad, but one day a bright shower of gold came through the small window. A man appeared†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( clearly proves this. Perhaps the Witch, who is characterized as the Godmother, also had the intention of preventing Rapunzel from marrying and having children. A Freudian would say this image is completely phallic whereby the tower symbolizes the (erect)... ...hat follow. On a deeper level, however, Rapunzel successfully completes the transformation of girl to woman by the end of the story. She has become a wife and bears the child that was conceived in the space at the top of the tower, despite the attempt made by the Godmother to prevent this from happening. Therefore, subconsciously, the Grimms seem to be telling a story of the rite of passage, conception and the elements necessary to complete these events of transformation. Works Cited: Perrault, Charles. "Puss in Boots." Folk & Fairy Tales Comp. Martin Hallett and Barbara Karasek. 2nd ed. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview, 1996. 94-97. Monte, Christopher F. Beneath the Mask: An Introduction to the Theories of Personality. Fifth Edition. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt Brace College Publishers. 1995.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Need for Stronger Bullying Laws

Bullying is a very negative action and creates major problems in our society. Nothing good ever comes out of bullying someone. It can however change someone’s life forever. It actually does ruin many lives both of the bully and of the victim. The bully if caught and punished will then have a criminal record for the rest of their life. Unless they get psychological help, they will probably end up being a repeat offender. The victim often becomes depressed, withdrawn and often times either commits suicide or becomes a bully themselves. Bullying is more than just a part of growing up.It is a very violent form of aggressive behavior. Anti-bullying Laws will never completely solve the problem; only mask it temporarily until everyone starts working together to stop the root of this cruel behavior. Adults know that this behavior is wrong but many time don’t know when or if they should step in and do something. The important thing to remember when deciding to step in is how the adult feels about taking control of the situation versus how the victim might feel about having a parent or elder stick up for them. Sometimes the victim feels that elder involvement may make the situation even worse.They often feel the only way to solve the problem is to handle it themselves. â€Å"Anti-bullying laws are being enacted in almost every state in the U. S. However, they are not being enforced and are nowhere near strong enough to identify and make the abuser stop or continue to repeat his/her actions again on someone else or even sometime the same victim they began with. Only 44 of our 50 states currently have anti-bullying laws in place. Ohio does have a law in place and is found in the Ohio Revised Code, section 3313. 666. The law prohibits harassment, intimidation, or bullying in schools.It went into effect on March 30, 2007. † (University of Nebraska, 2006). This law applies to every public school in Ohio, however, does not apply to private schools. So, if the law only applies to certain people then how is it supposed to be a solution to the problem? Bullying happens very often off school grounds or even in the home. Often the school will deny that there is a problem and that the victim is either lying or exaggerating the story. When this happens the parent needs to take their complaints even further. The superintendent of the school ystem should be their next step. If that does not work they can then contact an attorney or even their city’s police force. All of these venues need to be reminded that refusal to recognize that the problem is going on violates the Ohio law prohibiting bullying. â€Å"Many parents end up feeling like they have exhausted all efforts in dealing with school authorities and/or they do not feel school officials have been receptive enough in meeting the child’s needs, especially when the child continues to being a victim of ongoing harassment, bullying, assaults, or emotional bullying.If the adul t or parent feels this way then they should not sit back and give up or feel defeated. They can however, pursue other means of support from medical, mental health, social services or even community based programs. But lastly, they can also contact the police. † (McGraw, 2008). As a parent myself of a severely bullied child, this advice really hits home for me. A parent often feels backed in a corner and helpless not being able to stop their child’s pain. This was an excellent book to read to teach parents, teachers and administrators that there is always help out there.They just have to know the channels to follow. In an article from the Register-Herald in Beckley, West Virginia, dated February, 26, 2011, a house panel agreed to arm educators with a stronger law to cope with cyber bullying over objections by some opponents that it goes too far by dealing with off campus texting and other wireless harassment. One major dispute was schools right to deal with bullying beyo nd school grounds, even on a vacation, for example. But in that scenario the bullying would have to spill over into school days and then disrupt the education process before it falls under a teachers right to act.Children should not be afraid to go to school. No matter where kids are no matter what time of year it is, a school now has jurisdiction to discipline now when they come back to school. Although, that is a great law parents also need to be more involved in the children’s lives. They need to know what is going on. They need to make their children feel that their home is their â€Å"safe place† and that they can come to their parents whenever problems arise. But the problem today is that the economy pulls parents in to working multiple jobs while older siblings or babysitters are left to care for the younger ones.Schools need to pay more attention and make use of their city’s Juvenile Court System to deal with unruly and abusive students and children. In another article by Tanya Roth of the York County Virginia Gazette dated August 9, 2010, a case that resulted in suicide caused by bullying resulted in a wrongful death suit seeking ten million dollars in damages. The mother of a high school freshman is suing school officials and one sheriff’s deputy for failing to enforce the anti-bullying policies she believes would have saved her sons life, but did not. Her son hanged himself on May 31, 2010.The suit details a meeting that took place at the school concerning the bullying, with all the defendants present. The school personnel should have been aware of the risk of emotional damage caused by the continued bullying, and should have enforced the anti-bullying policies available to them. Parents, elders and victims themselves are grasping at straws as a means to stop this physical and mental abuse. â€Å"Some parents are even filing law suits based on the theory of â€Å"premises liability. † Under this theory, occupiers and owners of land, including school, are required to keep their premises safe for those who are legally allowed to be there. (University of Nebraska, 2006). These laws are only a band-Aid to the reoccurring problem and in most cases never fully help the victim. The mental damage never goes away therefore just gives a victim â€Å"false hope† that they are going to be safe. Prevention of bullying needs to happen at the school, in class, and at the individual level. Bullying can also be prevented at home. â€Å"At the school level there needs to be better supervision of the students’ activities, an interesting, fun outdoor environment, contact phone numbers for the students and the parents, and teacher training groups.In the classroom there are many things teachers and students can do. They can make class rules against bullying and have activities that encourage good behavior. In the classroom, meetings between the teachers, parents, and students can help to prevent bu llying. Teachers or other authorities can have serious discussions with the bully to reduce the amount of bullying that occurs. † (McGraw, 2008). But everyone needs to wake up and realize that there is a problem in every state of the U. S. and in many cases in every home.Bullying creates a vicious circle. It makes the victim scared of the bully, which encourages the bully and makes it easier for him/her to bully the victim again and again. Repeated bullying keeps adding to the intensity and makes the victim more scared and it many cases suicidal and the circle keeps going on; unless the pattern is broken by someone outside this horrible circle. I chose this topic because I am amazed at the amount and severity of bullying that is allowed to go on in schools, the public and in many cases behind closed doors at home.After reading several books and articles and hours or research that I have spent on this topic; I am convinced more than ever that people truly need to take this prob lem seriously both at home and in school. The biggest problem is that both parents and schools turn their heads as a means to not have to admit that there is a problem to begin with. So, I am back to my original question: Are anti-bullying laws a solution, a band-aid to the problem or just a means of false hope to make the victim temporarily feel safe? I am not sure this problem will ever be solved.BibliographyMcGraw, J. (2008, November). Jay McGraw’s Life Strategies for Dealing with Bullies. New York: Aladdin. University of Nebraska Lincoln. (2006, June). Facts about Bullying. Retrieved from www. targetbully. com/wst_page6. html Porterfield, M. (2011, February 26). Panel Agree to Stronger Bullying Laws. The Register -Herald. Retrieved from http://www. register-herald. com/local/x1709532935/Panel-agrees-to-stronger-bullying-laws/ Roth, T. (2010, August 9). School Bullying: Student Suicide Leads to Suit. York County, Virginia Gazette. Retrieved from:

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Incident Of Assessment Of The United States Of America

The incident in assessment is the March 29th 2013 Mayflower Oil spill that occurred in Mayflower, Arkanas, United States of America. The pipeline, named the Pegasus line, belonged to operator, ExxonMobil, transporting Canadian Wabasca heavy crude from Athabasca Oil sands when the pipeline failed (McGowan 2013). The Pegasus line a 20 inch line with a total length of 850 mines and carried approximately 95,000 barrels per day from Patoka, IL to Nederland, TX (ADEQ, 2013). The pipeline was designed with a distance of 18 miles between isolation valves and was buried approximately 24 inches where it ruptured (ADEQ, 2013). Figure 1: Oil Spill down residential street Figure 2: Oil Spill into cove of Conway It was estimated by Exxon that 5,000 barrels (210,000 gallons) of Wabasca heavy crude was spilled from the breach (Koon and Peacock 2013). Due to elevated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) readings and due to the amount of oil present on the ground and in the street, 22 homes were evacuated. The heavy crude oil released made its way down a residential road, into a bar ditch, into an unnamed creek, and then into a stream to a cove of Lake Conway (Schwirtz 2012). Figure 1 and 2 are pictures of some of the affected areas and spillage into residential property. Figure 3: Aerial View of Lake Conway Local residents of Mayflower were forcefully to evacuate from their homes due to harmful chemicals in and around the neighbourhood as a result from the pipeline rapture. The oil hasShow MoreRelatedBackground Of An Authorised Firearms Officer1492 Words   |  6 Pages2008, p. 78) It is not a common occurrence for a weapon to be discharged in any firearms incident in England and Wales, for example if a firearm is discharged following an alert, over half the rounds fired are believed to miss their intended target and of those people hit by a round, more than half survive (Punch, 2011, p. 1). A similar situation also exists in the United States of America. 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